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Master Menologion Project

A comprehensive index of fixed-date feasts and saints commemorated in the Eastern Orthodox Church, including alternate spellings and dates for both the Gregorian and Julian calendars. 

Note: Titles such as "Venerable" and "Greatmartyr" are in a separate column for ease of sorting the data alphabetically by name. If the "Title" field is blank for a certain entry, the correct title is assumed to be "saint".

Another note: This is, and always will be, an ongoing project. Compiling a truly complete menologion — one listing every saint and feast in all of the combined autocephalous Orthodox Churches — is impossible. Furthermore, it's crucial to know that, even within the same Autocephalous Church, there is sometimes disagreement about the rank of a commemoration due to local traditions and parish customs. This spreadsheet is not intended to be authoritative in every place and circumstance, but provides a fascinating overview of how various Churches organize their commemorations. 


This present list is comprehensive, to the best of our ability, acknowledging that there is only One perfect. and we are not Him. Please pray for us!

If you are unfamiliar with Eastern Orthodox festal rankings, you may read about them HERE

Sources consulted include: 


A Manual of Eastern Orthodox Prayers. St. Vladimir's Seminary Press; Crestwood, NY. 1983 (second printing). 

Anthologion, The. Saint Ignatius Orthodox Press; Zeeland, MI. 2021. 

Arhipov, Sergei and Cortése, Daria, eds. The Apostol, 4th edition. Aorist Press; Newtown, PA. Upcoming. 

Great Horologion, The. Holy Transfiguration Monastery; Brookline, MA. 1997. 

Hieromonk German Ciuba, ed. Old Orthodox Prayer Book. Russian Orthodox Church of the Nativity (Old Rite); Erie, PA; 2001. 

Hieromonk Herman and Vitaly Permiakov, eds. The Hieratikon, vol. 1. St. Tikhon's Monastery Press; South Canaan, PA. 2014. 

Liturgikon, The: The Book of Divine Services for the Priest and Deacon. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America; Englewood, NJ. 1989. 

Metropolitan Cantor Institute (Byzantine Catholic Archdiocese of Pittsburgh) Online Menaion

Moscow Patriarchate Orthodox Calendar liturgical calendar

Orthodox Church in America online library of feasts and saints. 

Priest John Mikitish and Hierodeacon Herman, eds. Orthodox Christian Prayers. St. Tikhon's Monastery Press; South Canaan, PA. 2014. 

Ponomar Project ROCA/ROCOR Menologion database

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