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The Aorist Press Menaion features Revised Liturgical English ® recensions of the propers for every day of the year, including Paremia readings. For the Composite index and a PDF of all Composite readings, please visit our Rubrics page.


Click the name of a saint/commemoration to view its PDF. Click the Troparion/Kontakion button to access the Troparia/Kontakia in a single sheet, reducing page turns for the choir at the Divine Liturgy. 


This Menaion is based on the Russian Orthodox Menaion, and is regularly updated and expanded to complete partial services and add new, previously missing services. It also includes material from other Orthodox traditions. 

We would like to thank our many faithful legacy users worldwide for their encouragement and support of this project, and for enthusiastically embracing Revised Liturgical English® (RLE)  as their preferred language of prayer. 

NOTE: The Menaion is being constantly updated; most services are complete through Great Vespers, and many through the end of Matins. We invite you to bookmark this page and check back often!

For texts of upcoming feasts, CLICK HERE.


4b. St. Joasaph, Bp. of Belgorod (forthcoming)

4c. Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, "The Unburnt Bush" (forthcoming)

6b. Martyr Endoxius and those with him

6c. Ven. Archippus of Hierapolis (forthcoming)

7b. St. John of Novgorod (forthcoming)

9b. Martyr Severian of Sebaste (forthcoming)

9c. St. Theodosius of Chernigov (forthcoming)

11b. Translation of the Relics of Ss. Sergius & Herman, Wonderworkers of Valaam (see service on June 28th)

11c. St. Silouan the Athonite (forthcoming)

27b. St. Sabbatius, Wonderworker of the Solovétsky Monastery (forthcoming)

30b. Ven. Gregory of Pleshmé, Wonderworker of Vologdá (forthcoming)

30c. St. Michael, first Met. of Kiev, Wonderworker of All Russia (forthcoming)


5b. Holy Hierarchs Peter, Alexis, Jonah, Philip and Hermogenes, Mets. of Moscow (forthcoming)

19b. Ven. John of Rila (forthcoming)

21b. Transfer of the Relics of St. Hilarion, Bp. of Meglin in Bulgaria (forthcoming)

22b. The Kazan' Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (forthcoming)

24b. The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Joy of All Who Sorrow" (forthcoming)